Watch this video on the basics of implementing Cure Violence — and encourage others in your community to watch it.
2. Cure Violence 101: Materials to help you get started
Cure Violence Mini Documentary
Ted Talk -- Gary Slutkin, MD
Cure Violence Animated Short
3 & 4. Advocating for Cure Violence in your community
To get Cure Violence implemented, there needs to be support from people in your community. Below are some of the key people to get onboard, and some key materials to help you get them onboard.
Materials to help you get started advocating locally
5. Contact Cure Violence team
If you have gone through steps 1-4 — you are familiar with Cure Violence, you have built support, and you have funding identified — you are now ready to begin working closely with the Cure Violence team!
6. Prepare for Call with Cure Violence
If you have completed steps 1 – 5, the Cure Violence team will work with you to schedule a call to discuss the next steps. Part of this discussion will be about an assessment of your community by the Cure Violence team. The 2-3 day assessment familiarizes stakeholders and community organizations with the Cure Violence Model and focuses on determining potential target areas, partnerships, workers, and program structures for future implementation. Below are materials to familiarize yourself with prior to the call with the Cure Violence team.
- Assessment Description (available soon)
- Assessment Agenda (pdf)