Cure Violence Site Featured on ABC News

“‘It takes a neighborhood’ to take a stand against gun violence,” said Lance Feurtado, co-founder of King of Kings Foundation.  King of Kings is a Cure Violence partner in New York City.

ABC News Live spent the day with Mr. Feurtado and the violence interrupters seeking to make a difference in their community as they find themselves at the center of America’s gun violence epidemic.

Videos on Cure Violence

Ted Talk – Dr. Gary Slutkin

Al Jazeera – Cure Violence Bronx

PBS NOVA – Cure Violence Feature

PBS NewsHour (2016)

Cure Violence Colombia

Cure Violence Trinidad

Cure Violence South Africa

Cure Violence Animated Short #2

The Daily Show w/ Trevor Noah (2016)

Cure Violence Animated Short

The Interrupters — Award winning documentary

Flamo – clips from The Interrupters

Robert Wood Johnson Fdn – Cure Violence in Chicago

Cure Violence – Relationship with Police

Introduction to Cure Violence

Cure Violence RWJF video

Video Interviews with Cure Violence People

New York City Evaluation Presentation

NYC Panel – Cure Violence in Action

Panel – State of the Evidence on Cure Violence

You & Me Morning Show

ITV News

Gary Slutkin interview with Kelly Wright

Wayne Brewton, Baltimore Safe Streets

Dennis Wise, Baltimore Safe Streets

Video of Presentations on Cure Violence

Gary Slutkin – Dent Conference

Gary Slutkin – PopTech

Gary Slutkin – 2013 Elfenworks

Gary Slutkin presentation to MacLean Center

Gary Slutkin – CUSP 2013

Podcasts featuring Cure Violence

New Yorker Podcast

WNYC – The Takeaway

PRI’s The World

NPR – Tiny Spark

WNYC – The Takeaway

Ted Radio Hour

Anne E. Casey

Books featuring Cure Violence

“Cure Violence offers a window into the power of public health programs…”

“Violence is a contagious disease. This is good news as this knowledge offers new strategies for control.”

“The statistical evidence demonstrates specific reductions in [killings] in [Cure Violence] communities.”

“Gary Slutkin of [Cure Violence] wrote to me, “I believe that someday we may be able to contain violence, as we have so many other problems of history.””

“A central characteristic of the Cure Violence model is the use of credible messengers as workers – individuals from the same communities who are trusted and have access to the people who are most at risk of perpetrating violence.”

“Slutkin was stunned and disappointed by the so-called solutions that existed for treating violence.”

“What Slutkin brings … is training and mentoring, technical skill, functional (not locally specific) knowledge, a scientifically developed methodology, and a perspective on how these kinds of problems work in many different places.”

“Successful replication of the [Cure Violence] model in Iraq validates this implicit understanding that violence is a learned behavior that acts like an infectious disease.”

International Publications featuring Cure Violence

Inspire: Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against Children


“According to multiple quasi-experimental evaluations conducted in Chicago, Baltimore, Brooklyn and New York City (87–90), the Cure Violence programme is associated with fewer shootings, killings and retaliatory killings in communities where it has been implemented fully, with 20–70% reductions in violence.”